new york city:
new york is one largest cities in the usa. new york city is spareted into 5 pieces manhattan, te bronx, queens, brooklyn and staten island in todays post we will talk only about manhattan.
manhatten is built with streets and avenues this method is making the nevigation in the city alot easier. this method is also seperating the city to blocks all around.
ok so get to the point:
there are alot of things to do in manhatten some of them are the must bt there are alot of other palces fun just like the known once. i will list them in categories.
the must:
1. the statue of liberty: this giant statue was a gift from france to the usa and she is one of the biggest atractions in new york city. just to say the security chek in there is that of an airport.
2. the empire state building: the empier state building is on of the highest building in new york city, he is located on the 5th avenue and w 34th street you can buy tickets and go to the top but I like to look on him from the streets.
3. times square: this is one of the most visited places in the city in the area there is alot of shops there is not alot to do there but this is a good place to hang out.
4. central park: central park is realy a must I had so much fun there riding bikes and playing frisbee in the huge lawns and the lakes. at the north of the park there is an area that called
the north woods and he is beautiful.
5. the 5th avenue: this avenue is all about shopping, in this avenue there are the top models of the fashion world and alot of other shops. the madison square park is located on the avenue as well as the empier state building and bryant park
the next post about NYC will be about the unknown places of new york city.
see you the next post.
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