יום שני, 30 במאי 2016

olympic national park

olympic national park

olympic national park is located in washington near seattle. the park size is 922,650 acres and he was opened in june 29, 1938


in the park you can boat, camp, hike and alot more. our favorites are wildlife viewing, tidepooling and winter activities like skiing and snowshoeing.

in the park there are alot of spiecies of animals, plants and trees
and along the olympic mountains it became a very famouse and succecfull park that gets many visitors every year 

if you want to know more information about this park go into the link that leads to the parks website


the next post will be about helping you deside your trip to the place with weather condition, maps, hours and more

יום שלישי, 24 במאי 2016

the travel bubble

the travel bubble

hello everyone this blog is about traveling in the usa 
here we will show you the best places to visit and hike even if they arn't known to people but they really are worth checking out because somtimes they are way better than other famouse places

olympic national park
washington near seattle

if you want to hear more about this place follow us 
and check the next post